Suburban Consumption of the Monstrous is an anthology of several horror live action roleplaying games written by Banana Chan and Sadia Bies. Each game is set in suburbia and uses themes of food or consuming something as the centerpiece.
You can sample two of the games within the collection, Goodbye Father and It is Hungry Too , by downloading the free playkit here. The playkit features the completed layout by Ruby Lavin, and additional illustrations by Sadia Bies, to give you a sense of the range of games and playstyles that will be available in the final anthology.
Product Specifications
- Delve into the eerie and engaging world of suburban horror with this book.
- Features captivating stories and themes for fans of the genre.
- A unique addition to your collection of horror literature.
- Length : 2.5 cm
- Width : 16.5 cm
- Height : 23.5 cm